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Helping Patients with the Greatest Need

Your support today benefits Community Health Care’s Patient Care Fund. This fund is used to provide care to those who are uninsured or under-insured. The Patient Care Fund is needed since 14%, or 6,107 of Community Health Care patients are uninsured. Of these patients, 592 are children.

If each of our uninsured patients were kept out of the emergency room just once this year the savings to the community would be $7,636,536 in emergency room costs.

At Community Health Care, no one is turned away due to the inability to pay for services. The need in Pierce County is great, most of Community Health Care patients are low income. Patients without insurance or who are under-insured are charged on a sliding fee scale which is based on their income and number of people in their household.

Thanks to your support, more than 44,000 patients are served through 5 medical clinics, 4 dental clinics and 5 pharmacies. Your gift to the Patient Care Fund makes these services possible and helps those in our community with great need. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of these patients.